Friday, 19 June 2020

How naive implementation of find in Union-Find is quadratic in number of nodes

For naive implementation of find in union-find, how is the cost O(N^2)? Are all nodes in the graph at the same depth? Is that even possible if they are connected?

Let's take an example of graph of "n" nodes with maximum height, which looks somewhat like a left-skewed or right-skewed tree.

In a skewed tree, the leaf itself is at a depth N-1. For every node above it, depth is decreasing by one, i.e. N-2, N-3, N-4, ...,3,2,1, 0.
If we add this together, 0 + 1+2,+3+...N-1 => (ignoring 0, we get) (N-1) (N)/2 = O(N^2)
One of those instances when math clarifies logic. I will add code snippets to the the above shortly.