Sunday, 9 October 2016

Enumerate Primes from Elements of programming interviews

I read the solution to this problem about a year back for the first time and while one time was enough to come to terms with the reality of its ingenuity, one time was never enough to appreciate how it really works.

I would have solved it roughly 5 times over a span of a year and today, I note how a subtle idea can come between you thinking you got it right and actually getting it right. When it comes to problem solving, there are questions you cannot solve, you can solve and you think you can solve.

This is likely to be one of those problems you believe you can solve and you also get the output on your console which if not noted carefully and not rigorously tested would pass of as right and which only when seen through the lenses of authors of the great book like EPI would show as invalid for the first time.

Aziz, Lee and Prakash state that once a number has been identified as prime, it suffices to mark as non-prime, all of its multiples starting its square. The number, say i itself is in index, (i - 3)/2 of a lookup list, isPrime. In other words, if index is i, the value at index i would be 2 * i +3. Now, the square of (2 * i + 3) would be  (4 * i * i + 12 * i + 9) and this square would be present in (4 * i * i + 12 * i + 9 - 3) /2= 2 * i * i + 6 * i + 3

Trust me the genius of these 3 authors would preclude them from providing these step-by-step explanations but it took me good time to decode all these identities for myself.

Now, just tell yourself time and again that the lookup list isPrime only indicates if an odd number starting with 3 is prime because even numbers after 2 are never prime.

if(isPrime.get(i) == Boolean.TRUE) {
/* add number at index i to prime numbers result */
int p  = 2 * i +  3;

for (long j = (2 * i * i + 6 * i + 3) ; j  < size ; j += p)  //How obvious is this?{
isPrime.set((int) j , Boolean.FALSE);

If you read my comment on the code snippet, that's exactly the little subtlety which comes between the way of your getting this one and thinking you got this one.

Interestingly enough, this works. What he is implying is that starting with the index of the prime number square, it suffices to mark all indices at steps of the prime number itself and this works.

E.g. p = 3
p^2 = 9

p_i = 0
p^2_i = 3
p^2_i  + 3 = 6 corresponds to 2 * 6 + 3 = 15
p^2_i + 3 + 3 = 9 corresponds to 2 * 9 + 3 = 21

If you see carefully, he is wisely avoiding all even multiples between 9 and 15 and 15 and 21 and so on. If you test this identity for any other prime, you will see the brilliance of this idea.


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