Sunday, 19 September 2021

Difference between VMs and Docker images

Having wondered about how Docker strived to differ from VMs, I embarked on a thought experiment for some time. I finally got some leads today and here is my best-effort explanation in discerning the difference between the two for posterity.

Let's begin by attributing due credit to the team at dotcloud, which was a start up in 2008 era that built Docker and has since come to be known by the same name. This team realized that managing application dependencies and binaries across a number of customers is cumbersome and unreliable.

Think of a product such as Adobe Dreamweaver that is deployed to a number of clusters across different organizations with custom environment setups. If Adobe were built as a standalone application that would be deployed on bare metal instances, that could cause OS level differences such as differing memory management and I/O access strategies from inducing a different behavior on different bare metal clusters.
Now think of an improvement that would enable developers at Adobe to have control over the environment of individual deployment centers themselves. That can be understood as one of the possible motivations for creating VMs apart from the obvious stated benefits such as reducing operational costs with better resource management. But a company that builds software products like Adobe has little control over exercising decisions concerning the environment of deployment in their customer application clusters. Hence what is preferable and in fact feasible is a mechanism that allows application builders to directly package their application in an environment that mandates what OS and specific dependency versions are needed to reliably run the application. This is Docker. The environment is contained in the Docker image that also includes the application binary and dependencies. This is without doubt one of the pioneering moments in software build, packaging and deployment history.

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